Proscalar, LLC takes customer privacy seriously.  As part of this effort we wish to inform you of our Privacy Policy.

The Proscalar, LLC Privacy Policy articulates the privacy and data protection principles followed by Proscalar, LLC with regards to the personal information of its customers, including product, outsourcing and other services customers, partners, employees, former employees, applicants and current or former members of the Board of Directors (“covered individuals”). These principles support the highest privacy standards in international trade and commerce and human resource management.


Proscalar, LLC respects and is committed to protecting the personal information of our covered individuals. We follow privacy policies and data protection practices to comply with the law and to earn trust and confidence in Proscalar, LLC and its business practices. Proscalar, LLC privacy policies and data protection practices extend by contract to our supplier and partner relationships. Proscalar, LLC employees, and those working on behalf of Proscalar, LLC are informed about these policies and practices and are expected to follow them. Proscalar, LLC privacy policies and practices reflect and reinforce the Proscalar, LLC company values of trust, integrity, and quality.


This Proscalar, LLC Privacy Policy applies to the collection, storage, processing, transfer, and use of personal information concerning covered individuals except where the contract with a covered individual defines different requirements. Personal information includes any data by which a person can be identified or located, as well as any data to which Proscalar, LLC has access in customer systems.

Personal information may be collected from covered individuals through a variety of means, including, as examples, websites, other ordering channels, and service or employment processes. Proscalar, LLC may also obtain personal information about covered individuals from other publicly or commercially available sources we deem credible.

This policy governs customer and employee data protection policies; implementation standards; rulebooks; business processes; applications; web, product, and service developments; and technology roadmaps.

All Proscalar, LLC employees and contracted parties working on behalf of Proscalar, LLC must comply with these policies, even if local law is less restrictive. Specific practices are tailored to meet the legal, regulatory, and cultural requirements of the countries and regions where Proscalar, LLC operates.

Policy Fundamentals

Our privacy policies reflect current principles and standards on handling personal information. These principles include notice of data use, choice of data use, data access, data integrity, security, onward transfer, and enforcement/oversight. We abide by the privacy laws in the countries where we do business.

Proscalar, LLC defines personal data as follows:

“Personal data means any information relating to an identified natural person or a person who may be identified by means reasonably likely to be used.”

Sensitive personal information is that which, in cases of misuse, may cause unlawful or arbitrary discrimination or other serious risk to the data subject. In particular, personal data that reveals aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, or religious or philosophical beliefs will be considered sensitive data.

Policy Principles

Proscalar, LLC recognizes that the personal information it receives is held in a position of trust. We seek to fulfill that trust by adhering to the following general principles regarding personal data.

Notice and Choice of Data Use

Proscalar, LLC does not sell, rent or lease personal information of covered individuals.

Proscalar, LLC provides notice and choice to individuals regarding the type of personal information collected and its intended uses.

Proscalar, LLC reviews the purposes for which data is to be collected from covered individuals to ensure that our data collection supports reasonable business requirements.

Proscalar, LLC does not use personal information obtained from covered individuals for purposes that are incompatible with the purposes stated in our notices.

Data Access

Proscalar, LLC provides individuals with reasonable access to the personal information they provided to Proscalar, LLC and the ability to review and correct it, as applicable.

Data Integrity

Proscalar, LLC takes reasonable steps to ensure that all applicable personal information is accurate, complete and current.

Data Security

Proscalar, LLC is committed to protecting personal information against unauthorized use or disclosure. Proscalar, LLC provides additional levels of protection for data considered to be sensitive personal data.


Proscalar, LLC uses best commercial practices to obtain personal information by lawful and fair means.

Proscalar, LLC complies with relevant privacy and data protection laws in the locations in which Proscalar, LLC operates.

Proscalar, LLC addresses complaints or disputes regarding personal information promptly and courteously.

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